Microsoft Power Page Portal Services

Microsoft Power Pages enables businesses to create client-focused forms, workflows, and other informational websites to reduce client-involved service or product delivery processes.
Building a collaborative and futuristic ecosystem driven by the Microsoft suite of applications is only half the battle, The other half is to ensure timely and seamless integration into a CRM platform like Salesforce so that its efficiency can be maximized.
SharePoint Designs helps you gain quick and secure access to opportunities, projects, and orders, from Salesforce directly on your Office 365 applications.

Streamline Customer journey

Documents management
Allow clients to send/receive documents securely without sending them through emails.
Allow clients to view the statuses of projects, service tickets, and other requests directly synced from the workflow.
Allow clients to onboard themselves through the secure platform with multiple authentication methods such as email, Microsoft, Gmail, Facebook, and LinkedIn authentication.
SharePoint Designs enables you to perfectly synchronize CRMs like Salesforce with your Microsoft suite of applications, including MS Teams, Power Apps, Outlook, and more.
We equip your teams to automatically extract information from the CRM to prepare presentations, reply to emails, etc.
While there are many other possible scenarios that MS Power Pages can be helpful for your business. Think of any areas in your business that would benefit from using Power Pages.
When you are ready submit your request here ->
Our services include:
Consulting and assessment
Design and development
End-to-end integration
Pre-built connectors and accelerators
Support and maintenance

Maximize the ROI of your Power Pages Portals

End-to-end Power Pages Portals
Friction-free integration and deployment
Multiple pricing plans to suit business requirements
24/7 customer support


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